(Bitcoin Abuse Information Service) tracks bitcoin addresses used by spammers, blackmailers, randomware, malware and fraudsters. If you received an e-mail or SMS with the request of paying a bitcoin sum to get the threat resolved, you can help us tracking the bitcoin address and helping others to prevent falling for these blackmailers and fraudsters.
Recent reports of Bitcoin addresses
- E-mail Report for BTC address 1f33phgfccze2zt5eojvl3p6raugdi39hi at Nov 16, 2020 blackmail scam
- Other Report for BTC address 17y4rq3xuc8mjntfmzrh616ukyjzjd4emm at Nov 15, 2020 Matching Giveaway Scam....Made two copies of Btc card
- E-mail Report for BTC address 191tnuk7yxeigdsu8yfczfaseudj4zjgae at Nov 15, 2020 191tnuK7YXeiGdsu8YFczfAseUDj4ZJGAe
- E-mail Report for BTC address 191tnuk7yxeigdsu8yfczfaseudj4zjgae at Nov 15, 2020 191tnuK7YXeiGdsu8YFczfAseUDj4ZJGAe
- E-mail Report for BTC address 1KJ3ZrhrkXBVjGyAU635sapjLpLSFgpqYe at Nov 15, 2020 Hi. You will find this important.
You have used Zoom some time ago. And I have very unfortunate news for you.
I'll give you some background on what happened.
There was a zero day security vulnerability on Zoom app, that allowed me a full time access to your camera and some other metadata on your account.
I had access to your camera ALL the time, even when Zoom app was closed. Basically, your device was hacked and remotely controlled.
And as you can imagine in your worst dreams, I have made a footage with you as a leading actor.
In the video you can be seen performing sexual act.
Having fun is ok with me, but is not ok with your reputation.
Please dont blame me or yourself for this. You couldn't know that the camera was working.
I'm sure you don't want to be the next Jeffrey Toobin and get embarrassed in front of all your friends, family and colleagues.
You should get this very clear, I will send this video to all your contacts if I dont get paid.
Are you wondering how I got your contacts and emails? Through the same exploit, zoom app allowed me to extract all sensitive info from your device.
So here is what we will do. You pay me $2000 in bitcoin, and nothing of this will happen. You have 2 days to make the payment.
After I get the money, I will delete the footage and information about you. The amount is not negotiable.
Send 0.13 Bitcoin (less than 2k USD at the current exchange rate) to my wallet 1KJ3ZrhrkXBVjGyAU635sapjLpLSFgpqYe
Having trouble with buying bitcoin? Just google on how to buy it, it's very easy to use and anonymous.
P.S. Don't try to report this to the police, I use TOR and bitcoin can't be traced. Do not email me back. If you do something stupid, I will distribute the video.
Good luck. Don’t stress. - E-mail Report for BTC address 191tnuk7yxeigdsu8yfczfaseudj4zjgae at Nov 14, 2020 Blackmail scam.
- E-mail Report for BTC address 1KJ3ZrhrkXBVjGyAU635sapjLpLSFgpqYe at Nov 14, 2020 Mildly edited version of extortion email. This time, the sender claims to have hacked the recipient's Zoom account, and recorded them in the midst of a sexual act.
- E-mail Report for BTC address 1fkdffyjysbilkkysndvgfo26fdfcpkzja at Nov 14, 2020 I traded with and after few day they told me that I need to Upgrade and they send me the above address to deposit on it through my mail
- Ransomware Report for BTC address 1bbxm2zn1jrnp9ggyp9jxyet2m5pfgtthz at Nov 14, 2020 this address holds my bitcoin which was the output of my changelly transaction.the address was switched either inside changelly or the app my name is brian bates. any information you may have about this would be appreciated. my number is 3253151519
- Other Report for BTC address 1M5kNCeceBN2mUtSX7PDZ7tWE46M3ySwvA at Nov 14, 2020 1659v2cspR6zWQW5ZtsZNrk1wuSwR6r81o
- E-mail Report for BTC address 16eukqaceeeba1us68p9rwkjc8htt4zwrr at Nov 14, 2020 ---
Rest assured that I can easily send this video to all your contacts with a few clicks, and I assume that you would like to prevent this scenario.
With that in mind, here is my proposal:
Transfer the amount equivalent to 1500 USD to my Bitcoin wallet, and I will forget about the entire thing. I will also delete all data and videos permanently.
In my opinion, this is a somewhat modest price for my work.
You can figure out how to purchase Bitcoins using search engines like Google or Bing, seeing that it's not very difficult.
My Bitcoin wallet (BTC): 16EuKQaCEEeba1Us68P9RwKjc8HTT4zWRR
You have 48 hours to reply and you should also bear the following in mind:
ROFLMAO - clowns, the lot of 'em.
- E-mail Report for BTC address 1lvpjnrdbcc9zznqn75lqpn1muhinzh1zn at Nov 14, 2020 Some dribble in foreign language.
Fakery, fraudulent and foolish.
- E-mail Report for BTC address 18k4hbctt6iysy21y6cxy585zylvsq7osv at Nov 14, 2020 Bullshitter claiming recordings of adult "services".
With that in mind, here is my proposal:
Transfer the amount equivalent to 1400 USD to my Bitcoin wallet, and I will forget about the entire thing. I will also delete all data and videos permanently.
In my opinion, this is a somewhat modest price for my work.
You can figure out how to purchase Bitcoins using search engines like Google or Bing, seeing that it's not very difficult.
My Bitcoin wallet (BTC): 18k4HBCtT6iYSY21y6cXy585zyLvSq7oSV
You have 48 hours to reply and you should also bear the following in mind:
- E-mail Report for BTC address 1KJ3ZrhrkXBVjGyAU635sapjLpLSFgpqYe at Nov 14, 2020 Yada yada tada "threats" to a honey potted email address.
So here is what we will do. You pay me $2000 in bitcoin, and nothing of this will happen. You have 2 days to make the payment.
After I get the money, I will delete the footage and information about you. The amount is not negotiable.
Send 0.13 Bitcoin (less than 2k USD at the current exchange rate) to my wallet 1KJ3ZrhrkXBVjGyAU635sapjLpLSFgpqYe
Having trouble with buying bitcoin? Just google on how to buy it, it's very easy to use and anonymous.
P.S. Don't try to report this to the police, I use TOR and bitcoin can't be traced. Do not email me back. If you do something stupid, I will distribute the video.
Good luck. Don’t stress. - Ransomware Report for BTC address 3gapabq1np1oahzqd5qd3vvvf8khu9b9km at Nov 13, 2020 Phishing from deeponionweb
- E-mail Report for BTC address 1ac3uglrbfbxo2ewzr2ejyb1whw5kp36zd at Nov 13, 2020 a fraudulent letter came with the following content. 안녕하세요!
최근에 제가 당신의 계정에서 이메일을 보낸 것을 눈치챘나요?
그렇죠, 간단히 얘기하면 제가 당신의 기기에 완전히 액세스할 수 있다는 것을 의미합니다.
지난 몇 달 동안 당신을 지켜봤어요.***
*** 컴퓨터 내부의 모든 프로세스와 활동을 모니터링하고 브라우저 기록에 액세스했습니다.
어떻게 가능한지 아직도 궁금해요? 글쎄요, 당신이 접속한 성인 웹 사이트의 악성 프로그램 때문에 감염되었습니다. 잘 모르시겠지만 제가 설명해 드릴게요.
트로이 목마 바이러스를 이용하여 PC 또는 다른 장치에 완전히 액세스할 수 있습니다.
당신이 알아차리지도 못하게 카메라와 마이크를 켜기만 하면 언제든지 제가 당신의 화면에서 볼 수 있다는 것을 의미합니다. 또한 연락처 목록과 모든 이메일에 액세스할 수 있습니다.
당신은 본인에게 질문할 수도 있습니다. "하지만 제 PC에는 바이러스 백신 프로그램이 있습니다. 어떻게 이것이 가능할까요? 왜 아무런 통보도 받지 못했지요?" 대답은 간단합니다.
멀웨어는 드라이버를 사용하여 4시간마다 서명을 업데이트하여 탐지할 수 없도록 하여 따라서 바이러스 백신도 계속 차단합니다.
왼쪽 화면과 오른쪽 화면 – 자위행위 하는 영상입니다.
얼마나 좆같을까요? 마우스를 한 번만 클릭하면 모든 소셜 네트워크와 전자 메일 연락처로 동영상을 보낼 수 있습니다.
저는 또한 당신이 사용하는 모든 이메일 목록 및 메신저에 대한 접근 권한을 공유할 수 있습니다..
이런 일이 발생하지 않도록 하려면 1350달러 상당의 비트코인을 제 비트코인 주소로 전송하기만 하면 됩니다 (방법을 모른다면 브라우저를 열고 이와 같이 검색하세요: “비트코인 구매”).
저의 비트코인 주소는 (BTC Wallet) 입니다: 1Ac3UGLrbfbXo2EWZr2EJyB1WHW5KP36ZD
결제가 확인 되는 즉시, 바로 동영상을 삭제해드리도록 하겠습니다. 이게 전부입니다, 다시는 연락하지 않을 겁니다.
해당 거래를 완료하는데 2일(48시간)을 드립니다.
이 이메일을 열면 알림 메시지가 전송되고 카운트다운이 시작됩니다.
제 비트코인 아이디와 이메일은 추적할 수 없기 때문에 항의 하려해도 아무런 결과가 없을 것입니다.
저는 이 문제에 대해 아주 오랫동안 연구해 왔습니다; 실수할 가능성은 전혀 없습니다.
혹시라도 이 메시지를 다른 사람과 공유한 것을 알게 된다면, 위에서 언급한 대로 동영상을 널리 반포하겠습니다. - Other Report for BTC address 1M5kNCeceBN2mUtSX7PDZ7tWE46M3ySwvA at Nov 13, 2020 1659v2cspR6zWQW5ZtsZNrk1wuSwR6r81o
- Other Report for BTC address 1ANYjFerdtQMCSPiz7zxjzMRKyWXMXfBMR at Nov 13, 2020 I've been scammed. On 4/11/2020, he asked me to deposit 510USD to Bitcon wallet via CEX.IO and deposit the amount to his bitcon address 1ANYjFerdtQMCSPiz7zxjzMRKyWXMXfBMR. Then he requested me to sign-up an account at and provide him all the login information so he could start the trading process. Due to pandemic crisis, he also gave me 1000USD bonus to my account. I was told that my profit payout will be within 7 days. As of today's date 13/11/2020, my profit balance shown 50,000USD. He requested me to provide him the payout transfer information such as my name, bank name, bank swift code and etc. He claimed he already forwarded all the information to the support team. Then I received an email from [email protected] requesting me to pay 3200USD for the broker's commission and once received, they will transfer my profit 50,000USD to my bank account. No, I didn't transfer anything to them because I knew this is a SCAM! I sent the email screenshot to him and he wanted me to follow the instruction given on the email by the so called support team. I got to know this guy from Facebook Sefaul Alam (Bryan Lim) and contacted him via Facebook messenger. His number is +65 9136 5219 which is Singapore's cell phone number. We then communicate via whatsapp.
- E-mail Report for BTC address 1c7bbgfwwbatbiudwzjbxhxurf5lxgcq64 at Nov 13, 2020 How to get my bitcoin refund know
- E-mail Report for BTC address 16aohm7zvdj7bxtiyod8w5hvjdaqe8ns96 at Nov 13, 2020 Got the same message as the others here