(Bitcoin Abuse Information Service) tracks bitcoin addresses used by spammers, blackmailers, randomware, malware and fraudsters. If you received an e-mail or SMS with the request of paying a bitcoin sum to get the threat resolved, you can help us tracking the bitcoin address and helping others to prevent falling for these blackmailers and fraudsters.
Recent reports of Bitcoin addresses
- E-mail Report for BTC address 1D9BSWQcbn9Pwqqvd2iWatWGRJH7B48Ygz at Nov 18, 2020 Wed, 18 Nov 2020 02:31:36 +0100 (CET)
I can publish all your files, accounts, contacts, everywhere, including the darknet.
I can send the video of you to all your contacts, post it on social networks and everywhere else.
To stop me, pay 950$ in Bitcoin (BTC).
It's easy to buy Bitcoin (BTC), for example here: , , or google another exchanger.
My Bitcoin (BTC) wallet is: 1D9BSWQcbn9Pwqqvd2iWatWGRJH7B48Ygz
Yes that's how the wallet looks like, copy and paste it, it's (CaSe-sEnSEtiVE).
I give you 2 days time to pay.
- E-mail Report for BTC address 1D9BSWQcbn9Pwqqvd2iWatWGRJH7B48Ygz at Nov 18, 2020 Wed, 18 Nov 2020 02:21:33 +0100 (CET)
I can publish all your files, accounts, contacts, everywhere, including the darknet.
I can send the video of you to all your contacts, post it on social networks and everywhere else.
To stop me, pay 950$ in Bitcoin (BTC).
It's easy to buy Bitcoin (BTC), for example here: , , or google another exchanger.
My Bitcoin (BTC) wallet is: 1D9BSWQcbn9Pwqqvd2iWatWGRJH7B48Ygz
Yes that's how the wallet looks like, copy and paste it, it's (CaSe-sEnSEtiVE).
I give you 2 days time to pay.
- Ransomware Report for BTC address 1D9BSWQcbn9Pwqqvd2iWatWGRJH7B48Ygz at Nov 18, 2020 Scammer
- E-mail Report for BTC address bc1qtxh3eyyuxwcewj6wctmjv6zcje0lanq8j8fffy at Nov 17, 2020 Some loser tried to extort money and failed.
- Other Report for BTC address 1F2shfuGKoSdHoGdAJwbY5cMxBi8Nkka3q at Nov 17, 2020 Mi billetera Bitcoin (BTC): 1F2shfuGKoSdHoGdAJwbY5cMxBi8Nkka3q
- E-mail Report for BTC address 1155cTCrP45qQ8EhhV11demYG7Q1dgvCMj at Nov 17, 2020 14F5H6zgQq39njYJWPLWznsEpJSTtUWAHk
- E-mail Report for BTC address 17ASRMwiKbBrccoEHPXgR8gwNAK4Cajewh at Nov 17, 2020 Sextortion in Slovenian Languague
- Ransomware Report for BTC address 1HTxRxngKLhRQhgvPmvejKvZ1ZPsXM6dVE at Nov 17, 2020 this bitcoin address is used for ransom payments in blackmail emails
- E-mail Report for BTC address 1989fm3ALQ7cg1e6HiFyepVe1f5dEJACxi at Nov 17, 2020 Якобы подключился к моему девайсу, наблюдает за мной, сказал что я порносайты посещаю, звучит смешно,ибо я новости читаю через телефон + максимум в соц.сетях залипаю. Еще в письме встроен какой-то таймер на 2 дня и надо сумму на 699 баксов на счет биткоин отправить. Наглость - второе счастье у него не прокатит.
- E-mail Report for BTC address 14F5H6zgQq39njYJWPLWznsEpJSTtUWAHk at Nov 17, 2020 Same here
- E-mail Report for BTC address 191tnuk7yxeigdsu8yfczfaseudj4zjgae at Nov 17, 2020 Hi!
I am a hacker who managed to get full control over your device.
I must tell you that I have full control over all your personal logins, photo galleries and videos.
What's more, I have finished recording your entire watch list and I can see how much you love porn.
I was able to record your masturbation.
I also recorded the porn that you were watching.
Keep in mind that I can send this entry to all your contacts in the phone book, social networks and so on.
If you are wondering what bad things can be done, think of all your friends, relatives and colleagues, and what their reaction will be when they see you masturbate in that short clip that I edited.
If you want to prevent it, send me $1000 for a BTC wallet: 191tnuK7YXeiGdsu8YFczfAseUDj4ZJGAe
(If you don't know how to do it, then write to Google: "Buy Bitcoin").
After receiving the payment, I will delete all the materials about you.
You have 48 hours.
The malicious program I used to log in to your device is so powerful that your antivirus couldn't stop it, and there's no sign of it left in your system.
So it is useless to go to the police or send this letter to someone. No action can be done and everything will only get complicated if you do it.
This message has a countdown, so as soon as you see it, the two days will start to run out.
Have a nice day. - E-mail Report for BTC address 14F5H6zgQq39njYJWPLWznsEpJSTtUWAHk at Nov 17, 2020 fake
- E-mail Report for BTC address 1FXpUJArFXyw3rH2C1rheWPpFaX8ZTjDdu at Nov 16, 2020 this moron tried to scam me and failed miserably
- E-mail Report for BTC address 1BN7VVmvcFeX56EfGVS1GXjxFZXupktSjx at Nov 16, 2020 It is a kind of sextortion, there are scammers that have a very old leaked database.
The email came from:
Jason Collins <[email protected]>
usually is inocuous... - E-mail Report for BTC address 191tnuk7yxeigdsu8yfczfaseudj4zjgae at Nov 16, 2020 191tnuK7YXeiGdsu8YFczfAseUDj4ZJGAe
- E-mail Report for BTC address 1F2shfuGKoSdHoGdAJwbY5cMxBi8Nkka3q at Nov 16, 2020 Hello! I am a hacker and I have successfully hacked into your operating system. I also have full access to your account. I have been secretly observing you for several months. The fact is that your computer has been infected with malware because of an adult website you visited. You may not understand what this means, let me explain it to you. Trojan horse viruses can give me full access to a computer or other device. This means that I can see everything on your screen and turn on your camera and microphone without you knowing it. I can also see all your contact information and all your email exchanges. Why hasn't your antivirus software detected the malware? Answer: I use driver-based malware. I update its signature every four hours, so your anti-virus software cannot detect its existence. I made a video. The left half of this video shows the scene you are pleasing yourself, and the right half shows the video you were watching. With just one click, I can send this video to all the email addresses with which you interact, and all the contacts on your social network. I can also publish all your emails and chat history on the chat software you use. If you don't want such a thing to happen, then please transfer $1,500 worth of bitcoin to my bitcoin account (if you don't know how to do this, just search on Google: "buy bitcoin"). My Bitcoin account information (Bitcoin wallet) is: 1F2shfuGKoSdHoGdAJwbY5cMxBi8Nkka3q After receiving the money, I will delete this video immediately and disappear from your life forever. Please complete the payment within 50 hours (more than 2 days). After you see this email, I will immediately receive a reminder, and the 50-hour countdown will begin. It is totally meaningless to find someone to complain, because like my Bitcoin account, this email cannot be tracked. I am very cautious and never make mistakes. If I find that you shared this email with other people, I will make that video public immediately. good luck!
- SMS Report for BTC address 1F2shfuGKoSdHoGdAJwbY5cMxBi8Nkka3q at Nov 16, 2020 Infelizmente, tenho mas noticias para voc.
Varios meses atras, tive acesso ao dispositivo que voc esta usando para navegar na Internet.
Desde ento, tenho monitorado sua atividade na Internet.
Sendo um visitante regular de sites adultos, posso confirmar que e voc o responsavel por isso.
Para simplificar, os sites que voc visitou me forneceram acesso aos seus dados.
Eu carreguei um cavalo de Troia com base no driver que atualiza sua assinatura varias vezes por dia, para tornar impossivel para o antivirus detecta-lo. Alem disso, ele me da acesso à sua cmera e microfone.
Alem disso, fiz backup de todos os dados, incluindo fotos, redes sociais, chats e contatos.
Recentemente, tive uma ideia incrivel para criar o video em que voc goza em uma parte da tela, enquanto o video estava simultaneamente sendo reproduzido em outra tela. Foi divertido!
Tenha certeza de que posso facilmente enviar este video para todos os seus contatos com apenas alguns cliques, e presumo que voc gostaria de evitar esse cenario.
Com isso em mente, aqui esta minha proposta:
Transfira o valor equivalente a 1300 USD para minha carteira Bitcoin e esquecerei de tudo. Tambem irei deletar todos os dados e videos permanentemente.
Na minha opinio, este e um preo um tanto modesto pelo meu trabalho.
Voc pode descobrir como comprar Bitcoins usando motores de busca como Google ou Bing, visto que no e muito dificil.
Minha carteira Bitcoin (BTC): 1F2shfuGKoSdHoGdAJwbY5cMxBi8Nkka3q
Voc tem 48 horas para responder e tambem deve ter o seguinte em mente
Tambem no faz sentido reclamar, ja que a carta junto com minha carteira Bitcoin no pode ser rastreada.
Tudo foi orquestrado com preciso.
Se eu detectar que voc mencionou algo sobre esta carta para alguem, o video sera imediatamente compartilhado e seus contatos sero os primeiros a receb-lo. Em seguida, o video sera postado na web!
Boa sorte e va com calma! Foi apenas azar, da proxima vez, por favor, tome cuidado. - E-mail Report for BTC address 14F5H6zgQq39njYJWPLWznsEpJSTtUWAHk at Nov 16, 2020 Hallo!
Ich bin ein Hacker, dem es gelungen ist, die volle Kontrolle über Ihr Gerät zu erlangen.
Ich muss Ihnen sagen, dass ich die volle Kontrolle über all Ihre persönlichen Daten, Kontakte und Ihre gesamte Korrespondenz habe.
Außerdem habe ich die Aufzeichnung, die zeigt, wie Sie sich selbst befriedigen, auf der linken Seite des Bildschirms abgeschlossen, und auf der rechten Seite sehen Sie das Video, das Sie sich angesehen haben.
Mit einem einzigen Klick kann ich dieses Video an alle Ihre Kontakte in der Post und in den sozialen Medien senden.
Ich kann Ihren Ruf und Ihr Leben ruinieren.
Ich kann auch den Zugang zu all Ihren E-Mails und Boten veröffentlichen, die Sie benutzen.
Wenn Sie sich fragen, was für schlimme Dinge getan werden können, denken Sie an all Ihre Freunde, Familienmitglieder und Kollegen und wie sie reagieren werden, wenn sie Sie in dem von mir bearbeiteten Video masturbieren sehen.
Wenn Sie dies verhindern möchten, überweisen Sie 1000 $ in Ihre BTC-Brieftasche: 14F5H6zgQq39njYJWPLWznsEpJSTtUWAHk
(wenn Sie nicht wissen, wie man das macht, dann schreiben Sie auf Google: "Bitcoin kaufen").
Die Malware, mit der ich mich bei Ihrem Gerät angemeldet habe, ist so mächtig, dass Ihr Antivirusprogramm sie nicht stoppen konnte, und es gibt keine Anzeichen dafür, dass sie noch in Ihrem System vorhanden ist.
Sobald ich die Zahlung erhalten habe, werde ich das Video löschen und Sie werden nie wieder von mir hören.
Ich gebe Ihnen 50 Stunden (mehr als zwei Tage) zur Bezahlung.
Ich habe einen Hinweis, diese E-Mail zu lesen, und der Timer wird ausgelöst, wenn Sie diese E-Mail sehen.
Versuchen Sie nicht, mir zu antworten. Es macht keinen Sinn (die Absenderadresse wird automatisch generiert).
Irgendwo eine Beschwerde einzureichen macht keinen Sinn, da diese E-Mail nicht zurückverfolgt werden kann, ebenso wenig wie meine Bitcoin-Adresse.
Ich mache keine Fehler.
- E-mail Report for BTC address 19l8h5wz8tfk7vjsxapx6sfciitavu1cjr at Nov 16, 2020 $990 scam
- SMS Report for BTC address 1F2shfuGKoSdHoGdAJwbY5cMxBi8Nkka3q at Nov 16, 2020 Me llego este mensaje en lengua portugués:
"Infelizmente, tenho mas noticias para voc.
Varios meses atras, tive acesso ao dispositivo que voc esta usando para navegar na Internet.
Desde ento, tenho monitorado sua atividade na Internet.
Sendo um visitante regular de sites adultos, posso confirmar que e voc o responsavel por isso.
Para simplificar, os sites que voc visitou me forneceram acesso aos seus dados.
Eu carreguei um cavalo de Troia com base no driver que atualiza sua assinatura varias vezes por dia, para tornar impossivel para o antivirus detecta-lo. Alem disso, ele me da acesso à sua cmera e microfone.
Alem disso, fiz backup de todos os dados, incluindo fotos, redes sociais, chats e contatos.
Recentemente, tive uma ideia incrivel para criar o video em que voc goza em uma parte da tela, enquanto o video estava simultaneamente sendo reproduzido em outra tela. Foi divertido!
Tenha certeza de que posso facilmente enviar este video para todos os seus contatos com apenas alguns cliques, e presumo que voc gostaria de evitar esse cenario.
Com isso em mente, aqui esta minha proposta:
Transfira o valor equivalente a 1300 USD para minha carteira Bitcoin e esquecerei de tudo. Tambem irei deletar todos os dados e videos permanentemente.
Na minha opinio, este e um preo um tanto modesto pelo meu trabalho.
Voc pode descobrir como comprar Bitcoins usando motores de busca como Google ou Bing, visto que no e muito dificil.
Minha carteira Bitcoin (BTC): 1F2shfuGKoSdHoGdAJwbY5cMxBi8Nkka3q
Voc tem 48 horas para responder e tambem deve ter o seguinte em mente
Tambem no faz sentido reclamar, ja que a carta junto com minha carteira Bitcoin no pode ser rastreada.
Tudo foi orquestrado com preciso.
Se eu detectar que voc mencionou algo sobre esta carta para alguem, o video sera"