Reports for Bitcoin address 1EyAadxvFqjvG9swUeexQLFhTvdV6jBTbi
OtherSep 25, 2020 - Abuser: [email protected]if mow this will send this thief some money it is coward and idiot....!!!!!
OtherSep 25, 2020 - Abuser: [email protected]i co straszy?e? mnie ?e jak w ci?gu 48 godzin nie zap?ac? ci 1200 euro to roze?lesz filmy których nie masz i nie b?dziesz mia? do moich znajomych których natychmiast poinformowa?em o twojej g?upocie ty debilu i jako? tych filmów nikt nie dosta? bo ich nie masz a tylko straszysz i okradasz ludzi bandyto i kryminalisto bez honoru i nazywasz swoj? kradzie? prac? diable sko?czony...!!!!!! Najwi?kszy prymitywie i leniu na ?wiecie jak ci nie wstyd.......nie jeste? nawet normalnym cz?owiekiem tylko padalcem.....!!!!
OtherSep 25, 2020 - Abuser: [email protected]how you can so blackmail men's niwinnych which to you nothing bad they did not cwelu thief and bandit without scruples and strike conscience what you do ego and nothing good you harm only
different and me because you be finished and do not call blackmail and theft your work finished moron because you will finish social margin really bad and criminal..! -
OtherSep 25, 2020 - Abuser: [email protected]how you can so blackmail men's niwinnych which to you nothing bad they did not cwelu thief and bandit without scruples and strike conscience what you do ego and nothing good you harm only
different and me because you are skomnczony do not call NIGDYszanta?u and theft your work finished moron because you will finish ?le really social margin and criminal..! -
OtherSep 25, 2020 - Abuser: [email protected]how you can rob men strike idiot finished....!!
OtherSep 25, 2020 - Abuser: [email protected]How you are naive this further send money this madman....!!!
OtherSep 25, 2020 - Abuser: [email protected]Hi! Unfortunately, I have for You bad messages. I won steam months this access to device which use to prewiew internet. I from this time monitored Your internet activity. As regular visitor for doros?y sides, I can confirm, that you are for this responsible. Saying you, side, which visit directly, they gave me to Your data access. I loaded in base Trojana Your driverów, which updates his signature steam razy daily, which inflicts that antywirus is not in to detect state him. He on addition gives me access to Your camera and microphone. What more I recorded all data, in this picture, spo?eczno?ciowe medias, czaty and contacts. I fell on zajebisty the idea of creation of film recently it where you come in one part of screen, it when film you which look at in second was reproduced was was simultaneously. This was funny! Be calm, that I with easiness can send to all this film Your contacts paroma cliques, I found, that you would prefer to avoid such script. Having this on attention, such is my proposal: Send equivalent 1200 EUR on my wallet Bitcoin, and I will forget about whole matter. I will remove all data also and films for ever. Enough moderated according to me this price for my work. You can get to know, as buy for help of explorers Bitcoiny Google, or Bingos, alone you will see, that this is not until so difficult. My wallet Bitcoin (BTC): 1EyAadxvFqjvG9swUeexQLFhTvdV6jBTbi
OtherSep 25, 2020 - Abuser: [email protected]haker this at least it respects different men and you have not for me respect alone even you finished moron...and not shame you brute...!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OtherSep 25, 2020 - Abuser: [email protected]Got mail 6th Sep 2020:
Cze??! Niestety, mam dla Ciebie z?e wiadomo?ci. Par? miesi?cy temu zdoby?em dost?p do urz?dzenia, którego u?ywasz do przegl?dania internet. Od tego czasu monitorowa?em Twoj? aktywno?? internetow?. Jako regularny odwiedzaj?cy stron dla doros?ych, mog? potwierdzi?, ?e ty jeste? za to odpowiedzialny. Mówi?c wprost, strony, które odwiedzasz, da?y mi dost?p do Twoich danych. Za?adowa?em Trojana w baz? Twoich driverów, który uaktualnia swoj? sygnatur? par? razy dziennie, co sprawia, ?e antywirus nie jest w stanie go wykry?. Na dodatek daje mi on dost?p do Twojej kamery i mikrofonu. Co wi?cej, zapisa?em wszystkie dane, w tym zdj?cia, media spo?eczno?ciowe, czaty i kontakty. Ostatnio wpad?em na zajebisty pomys? stworzenia filmu, gdzie dochodzisz w jednej cz??ci ekranu, gdy w drugiej jednocze?nie odtwarza si? film, który ogl?da?e?. To by?o ?mieszne! B?d? spokojny, ?e z ?atwo?ci? mog? wys?a? ten film do wszystkich Twoich kontaktów paroma klikami, zak?adam, ?e wola?by? unikn?? takiego scenariusza. Maj?c to na uwadze, taka jest moja propozycja: Prze?lij równowarto?? 1200 EUR na mój portfel Bitcoin, a zapomn? o ca?ej sprawie. Usun? równie? wszystkie dane i filmy na zawsze. Wed?ug mnie to do?? umiarkowana cena za moj? prac?. Mo?esz zorientowa? si?, jak kupi? Bitcoiny za pomoc? wyszukiwarek Google, czy Bing, sam zobaczysz, ?e nie jest to a? tak trudne. Mój portfel Bitcoin (BTC): 1EyAadxvFqjvG9swUeexQLFhTvdV6jBTbi Masz 48 godzin na odpowied?, powiniene? pami?ta? o tym, ?e: Nie ma sensu mi odpowiada? — adres zosta? wygenerowany automatycznie. Nie ma sensu narzeka?, poniewa? wiadomo?? wraz z portfelem Bitcoin nie mog? by? namierzone. Wszystko zosta?o precyzyjnie zaplanowane. Je?li wykryj?, ?e powiedzia?e? komu? o tym li?cie – film natychmiast zostanie udost?pniony, a Twoje kontakty otrzymaj? go jako pierwsze. Nast?pnie film zostanie opublikowany w sieci! P.S. Czas odliczania si? rozpocznie, gdy otworzysz ten list. (Program ma wbudowany zegar). Powodzenia i -
OtherSep 25, 2020 - Abuser: [email protected]get lost and do not appear more fall under the ground....!! and where pay your honesty skunk tax from blackmail you stinking manure....!!!!!!!!!!!
OtherSep 25, 2020 - Abuser: [email protected]From when blackmail and we call theft work you madman...!!
OtherSep 25, 2020 - Abuser: [email protected]for what such stinking shit lives on this world.....!!!! po co takie ?mierdz?ce gówno ?yje na tym ?wiecie.....!!!! zdychaj ju? dzisiaj...palancie sko?czony...........!!!!!!!!!!
OtherSep 25, 2020 - Abuser: [email protected]finished son - of - a - bitch, beast, malefactor, BANDYTA...without conscience and scruples...!!!
OtherSep 25, 2020 - Abuser: [email protected]finished moron and brute cheat, idiot and psychol and be idle which it does not was want to work ...!!!
OtherSep 25, 2020 - Abuser: [email protected]Finished idiot and madman without conscience....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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