(Bitcoin Abuse Information Service) tracks bitcoin addresses used by spammers, blackmailers, randomware, malware and fraudsters. If you received an e-mail or SMS with the request of paying a bitcoin sum to get the threat resolved, you can help us tracking the bitcoin address and helping others to prevent falling for these blackmailers and fraudsters.
Recent reports of Bitcoin addresses
- E-mail Report for BTC address bc1qyqw9zpm6c5kuua77mx9ljkqdaq0qzfr7h99kvh at Mar 21, 2021 This is a ransomware account. He repeatedly tried to blackmail and extort $ 650, offering to transfer it to this account.
- Ransomware Report for BTC address 1kd7v2uoqwatqeyhhdxlmwrbxkcfxjhnwd at Mar 21, 2021 Fake, trying to lure money
- E-mail Report for BTC address 3Bn5XtpG767Da5drRAnspyEnBVvBNR7PBc at Mar 21, 2021 Scammer
- E-mail Report for BTC address bc1qhrkmae3459hv22yfppfq8xqwecxjsp4lzghntm at Mar 20, 2021 Пытается вымогать деньги, рассылая такое сообщение:
"У меня для вáс очень новости.
06/12/2020 - в этот день я взломáл вáшу оперáционную систему и получил полный доступ к вáшей учетной зáписи.
Такой исход не выгоден вам, но к счастью для вас - не очень выгоден и мне.
Поэтому я хочу предложить вам сделку - вы переводите мне 700 долларов на счёт биткойн, а я все данные и скриншоты удаляю навсегда.
Поверьте, это очень скромное вознаграждение за мои труды.
Мой биткойн счёт: bc1qhrkmae3459hv22yfppfq8xqwecxjsp4lzghntm
У вас есть 50 часов, чтобы произвести оплату. (У меня есть таймер в этом электронном сообщении, и прямо сейчас я знаю, что вы прочитали это сообщение). Если я не получу оплату, я отправлю скриншоты всем вашим контактам, включая родственников, коллег и так далее.
Я надеюсь, вы понимаете свою ситуацию.
- Не пытайся найти и уничтожить мой вирус! (Все ваши данные, файлы и скриншоты уже загружены на удаленный сервер).
- Не пытайтесь связаться со мной (это невозможно, так как адрес отправителя генерируется случайным образом).
- Различные службы безопасности вам не помогут; форматирование диска или уничтожение устройства не поможет, так как ваши данные уже находятся на удаленном сервере" - E-mail Report for BTC address 1JsJbNSDZ46CtgCgRBXrPaHLVSPhmGv5BK at Mar 20, 2021
- Ransomware Report for BTC address bc1q2mhkh8nztzm6vqlxv2d88cvc52tqgk82dzx3xf at Mar 20, 2021 Uninstall blockchain please, data breach
- Other Report for BTC address 3KRVsVvtxwvC4XN17GgZP4XjeQwA2ya3FC at Mar 20, 2021 Stolen BTC from my Core wallet - (personal PC hack & wallet crack of cold wallet not used since Oct 2018) Unauthorized and illegal withdrawal of all my funds/addresses/keys on Jan 8, 2021. Now being funneled through various addresses.
Wallet swept of transactions 1st with - 3LZRhhpottKXA7ch8AvqtPasci1G6dQsnV
immediately slid to: 3KRVsVvtxwvC4XN17GgZP4XjeQwA2ya3FC - and held there till I found out about this theft a month and a few weeks later.
BTC then on to:
on to:
on to:
on to:
... - Other Report for BTC address 3LZRhhpottKXA7ch8AvqtPasci1G6dQsnV at Mar 20, 2021 Stolen BTC from my Core wallet - (personal PC hack & wallet crack of my PC) being funneled through various addresses. 1st - 3LZRhhpottKXA7ch8AvqtPasci1G6dQsnV - stole it
3KRVsVvtxwvC4XN17GgZP4XjeQwA2ya3FC - held it
then on to:
on to:
on to:
on to:
... - Other Report for BTC address 3AZLNCHyHdeuPsqvbxBCNQkYbyGLSEPnxz at Mar 20, 2021 My phone number 4345092302
- E-mail Report for BTC address 1JPxJbtXMLgs21hRBy6P49pHqxq9iV5gA1 at Mar 20, 2021 Extortion email
"Lets get directly to the point. Not a single person has compensated me to check about you. You may not know me and you are most likely thinking why you are getting this email?
Well, i actually placed a malware on the adult videos (pornography) web-site and there's more, you visited this web site to have fun (you know what i mean). When you were watching video clips, your web browser started out working as a Remote control Desktop with a key logger which provided me accessibility to your screen and also webcam. after that, my software collected every one of your contacts from your Messenger, Facebook, as well as e-mail. after that i created a video. 1st part displays the video you were viewing (you have a fine taste rofl), and second part shows the recording of your web cam, and it is u.
You get two different options. Why dont we take a look at the options in details:
1st alternative is to ignore this e-mail. in such a case, i will send out your very own video clip to all your contacts and then consider concerning the humiliation you will see. and definitely if you are in a romantic relationship, just how it will certainly affect?
Second option would be to compensate me $1865. Lets refer to it as a donation. Then, i most certainly will straightaway erase your video. You could keep daily life like this never happened and you would never hear back again from me.
You will make the payment through Bitcoin (if you don't know this, search 'how to buy bitcoin' in Google search engine).
Bitcoin address to send to: 1JPxJbtXMLgs21hRBy6P49pHqxq9iV5gA1
[case sensitive copy and paste it]
in case you are curious about going to the authorities, well, this email cannot be traced back to me. I have taken care of my actions. i am not trying to charge a fee very much, i would like to be compensated. in order to make the payment if i do not get the bitcoin, i will definately send your video to all of your contacts including relatives, coworkers, and so forth. Having said that, if i receive the payment, i will destroy the video immediately. If you want evidence, reply Yup! & i will send out your video recording to your 10 friends. it is a nonnegotiable offer, therefore don't waste my personal time & yours by responding to this email message." - Other Report for BTC address 1p4adqjkxxelyqfqtmrm4nlskgayigs1ax at Mar 19, 2021 It came from a twitter account wayan_rida. His Instagram account is still up. Redirects to a website, Elon Musk is giving away 5000 BTC send a little will send 10 times back.
- E-mail Report for BTC address 1lqkygw5aaivudenwdvqjjq3wzjdf5nqzs at Mar 19, 2021 1LqKYgw5AaivUdEnwDVqJjq3wzJDf5NQZS
- E-mail Report for BTC address 1ggzpqxsqkwsrnjj1shfae5vpkmhhsktox at Mar 19, 2021 Hackers
- E-mail Report for BTC address 1F3T8SiBfnt7oEcyDswCkR6zKMf5W5oYzd at Mar 19, 2021 I received a bullying message threatening me that he has hacked my laptop and that if I do not respond to this Fraudster in 48hrs he will share a video about me!!! I have to pay him not to do so!!
Bitcoin address:1F3T8SiBfnt7oEcyDswCkR6zKMf5W5oYzd - E-mail Report for BTC address bc1q3td9tx87066cnq3k47crczzmr6n7ufw2pq8hce at Mar 19, 2021 какойто ущерб
- E-mail Report for BTC address 1LbXrwWh4ZdyQ1pZ5Yap23Gq8hQVca1RN6 at Mar 19, 2021 You get two different options. Why dont we take a look at the options in details:
1st alternative is to ignore this e-mail. in such a case, i will send out your very own video clip to all your contacts and then consider concerning the humiliation you will see. and definitely if you are in a romantic relationship, just how it will certainly affect?
Second option would be to compensate me $2664. Lets refer to it as a donation. Then, i most certainly will straightaway erase your video. You could keep daily life like this never happened and you would never hear back again from me.
Prob got it from a hacked DB becase its a password I dont use often and dont care about - E-mail Report for BTC address bc1qa8lk2kx0wpnnpj9564qpck6fm3cct6fx26qh7j at Mar 19, 2021 Пидрила пишет, что взломал себе жопу роутером. Просит денег на зашив жопы.
- E-mail Report for BTC address 1F1cCmVP7EbCsP4hxxwURfrwehJJBbZdcv at Mar 18, 2021 Ciao!
Ho brutte notizie per te. Due mesi fa ho avuto accesso a tutti i dispositivi elettronici
che utilizzi per navigare in Internet.
Dopo quel momento, ho iniziato a tenere traccia di tutte le tue attività su Internet. Ora te lo rivelerò
come è successo:
Ho creato un sito Web falso per il tuo servizio di posta elettronica (...) e ti ho inviato un invito di autorizzazione.
Hai inserito il tuo attuale indirizzo email e la tua password. In questo modo sono stato in grado di ottenere le tue credenziali e iniziare
non verificabile con la tua email.
Successivamente, sono stato in grado di installare facilmente un cavallo di Troia sul sistema operativo del tuo dispositivo. (...) Trasferiscimi l'equivalente di 1500 EURO in Bitcoin. Non appena ricevuto il pagamento lo rimuoverò immediatamente
Tutte le prove che ho contro di te
Ho lavorato su ciò che voi e i vostri file fate da due mesi e credetemi, mi è piaciuto!
Se non sai come acquistare e inviare bitcoin, puoi semplicemente utilizzare un qualsiasi motore di ricerca (Google è sufficiente).
per un aiuto.
Quindi ecco il mio portafoglio bitcoin: 1F1cCmVP7EbCsP4hxxwURfrwehJJBbZdcv
Ti darò 48 ore per inviarmi denaro.
Si prega di non rispondere a questa e-mail in quanto non ha alcun senso.
Ho creato questa e-mail nella tua e-mail e l'indirizzo di risposta che ho ricevuto da un unico database di e-mail.
Inoltre, non ha senso chiedere aiuto a qualcuno poiché questa e-mail non può essere tracciata e le transazioni Bitcoin sono sempre anonime.
Tutto è stato deliberatamente pianificato. Vedo tutte le tue conversazioni, sento tutte le tue chiamate e ti spio.
Se scopri di aver parlato a qualcuno di questa email, il video apparirà immediatamente
condiviso su Internet! Non appena apro questa email, ricevo una notifica automatica e inizio
immediatamente il contatore.
In bocca al lupo e spero che non sarai mai più sottoposto a phishing come questo in futuro! - Ransomware Report for BTC address bc1q2mhkh8nztzm6vqlxv2d88cvc52tqgk82dzx3xf at Mar 18, 2021 UNINSTALL BLOCKCHAIN OR GET ANOTHER WALLET, THEY GOT A DATA BREACH
- E-mail Report for BTC address bc1qa8lk2kx0wpnnpj9564qpck6fm3cct6fx26qh7j at Mar 18, 2021 Теперь давай подумаем, что произойдёт с твоей жизнью, если это случится.
Как поменяют к вам своё отношение друзья? Что скажут родственники? Как к этому отнесутся коллеги по работе и как это повлияет на карьеру?
(Ваши приключения будут проиндексированы поисковиками и любой человек загуглив ваше фио и контакты сразу увидит эти приключения на первой странице, из поисковиков данные никак не удалить, они останутся там навсегда)
Что вы будете делать если вашим «шок контентом» заинтересуются правоохранительные органы, хотите давать объяснения?
Жизнь явно изменится и не в лучшую сторону… Хотите ли вы этого?
Вам ещё повезло, что ваша система и данные попали в мои руки хакера, а не к профессиональным шантажистам, которые вытянут из вас всё, либо превратят жизнь в ад.
Я знаю, что вы не хотели бы чтобы эта ситуация повлияла на вашу жизнь, чтобы записи попали к друзьям, родственникам и коллегам.
Поэтому делаю вам исключительно выгодное предложение, по сравнению с потенциальным ущербом от последствий.
$650(USD) - чрезвычайно маленькая сумма за моё молчание.
Кроме того, пришлось повозиться с вами, потратить драгоценное время.
Платите ТОЛЬКО в биткойнах!
Мой кошелек BTC: bc1qa8lk2kx0wpnnpj9564qpck6fm3cct6fx26qh7j