(Bitcoin Abuse Information Service) tracks bitcoin addresses used by spammers, blackmailers, randomware, malware and fraudsters. If you received an e-mail or SMS with the request of paying a bitcoin sum to get the threat resolved, you can help us tracking the bitcoin address and helping others to prevent falling for these blackmailers and fraudsters.
Recent reports of Bitcoin addresses
- E-mail Report for BTC address 1MGBX7cZUrQ1riPgCf5fXX8Qe9GxMKLS2y at May 25, 2021 I am aware ——— is one of your pass. Lets get directly to the point. Not a single person has compensated me to check about you. You may not know me and you are most likely thinking why you are getting this email?
Well, i actually placed a malware on the adult videos (pornography) web-site and there's more, you visited this web site to have fun (you know what i mean). When you were watching video clips, your web browser started out working as a Remote control Desktop with a key logger which provided me accessibility to your screen and also webcam. after that, my software collected every one of your contacts from your Messenger, Facebook, as well as e-mail. after that i created a video. 1st part displays the video you were viewing (you have a fine taste rofl), and second part shows the recording of your web cam, and it is u.
You get two different options. Why dont we take a look at the options in details:
1st alternative is to ignore this e-mail. in such a case, i will send out your very own video clip to all your contacts and then consider concerning the humiliation you will see. and definitely if you are in a romantic relationship, just how it will certainly affect?
Second option would be to compensate me $2761. Lets refer to it as a donation. Then, i most certainly will straightaway erase your video. You could keep daily life like this never happened and you would never hear back again from me.
You will make the payment through Bitcoin (if you don't know this, search 'how to buy bitcoin' in Google search engine).
Bitcoin address to send to: 1MGBX7cZUrQ1riPgCf5fXX8Qe9GxMKLS2y
[case sensitive copy and paste it]
in case you are curious about going to the authorities, well, this email cannot be traced back to me. I have taken care of my actions. i am not trying to charge a fee very much, i would like to be compensated. in order to make the payment if i do not get the bitcoin, i will definately send your video to all of your contacts including relatives, coworkers, and so forth. Having said that, if i receive the payment, i will destroy the video immediately. If you want evidence, reply Yup! & i will send out your video recording to your friends. it is a nonnegotiable offer, therefore don't waste my personal time & yours by responding to this email message. - E-mail Report for BTC address 1BLMQ661iZAJevxJkfuSZV4LAPadtMn8cc at May 22, 2021 1BLMQ661iZAJevxJkfuSZV4LAPadtMn8cc ШАНТАЖ
АУ!!!!! У меня нет камеры, Долбаёб, поэтому 700 баксов ты можешь заработать на порносайте, выложив там себя) Удачи!
и да статью о вымогательстве ещё не кто не отменял
163 УК РФ вымогательство лишение свободы до 7 лет - E-mail Report for BTC address 1kpbgecxzw2g5puvdv4lsyxnvjhkgn5bfa at May 21, 2021 дебил блядь вымогатель, пишет такую хуйню Приветствую.
В начале позапрошлого месяца ваш интернет свитч и windows были взломаны.
Еcли вы не знaкомы c этим, я расскажу. Я получил возможность контролировать и иметь доступ к Вашему компьютеру или любому другому устройству. Это ознaчaет, что я могу видеть вcе что происходит нa Вaшем экрaне, включать и выключать кaмеру, и Вы даже об этом не узнаете. - E-mail Report for BTC address 1atqwzxcaezu36awak3dabwfe4pntrgufz at May 21, 2021 Blackmail Sextortion
- E-mail Report for BTC address 3pg1sjnjs8kkmhtyagrwgcyg6cc9xivuxg at May 20, 2021 yes pls block he hacker
- E-mail Report for BTC address bc1qzqm62cjvetz9m9kj0h663u257s98m6q74hc25l at May 19, 2021 1Hjpu99iHc3oi55ZJKf6RHhKbwit8vEzTS
- E-mail Report for BTC address 1kyvit58ioknta3vrotxehgzfclp46yspm at May 18, 2021 Придумай ПЕТУШОК что нибудь то оригинальнее. Только вот мозгов у тебя нету. Поскочи хохлом может мозги прибавятся!
- E-mail Report for BTC address 1kyvit58ioknta3vrotxehgzfclp46yspm at May 16, 2021 Я сделал видео как тебя ебут в сраку. Завтра мой друг будет ебать в сраку твою мама и я тоже сделаю видео. Потом мои друзья булут ебать в сраку всех твоих родственников независимо от возраста и я тоже булу снимать видео. Потом откручу тебе яйца и продам в интернете вместе с этими роликами.
- E-mail Report for BTC address 13nvr9rrgglq5woaqsukvefybf2kfgqkfs at May 15, 2021 I am aware *** is one of your pass. Lets get directly to the point. Not a single person has compensated me to check about you. You may not know me and you are most likely thinking why you are getting this email?
Well, i actually placed a malware on the adult videos (pornography) web-site and there's more, you visited this web site to have fun (you know what i mean). When you were watching video clips, your web browser started out working as a Remote control Desktop with a key logger which provided me accessibility to your screen and also webcam. after that, my software collected every one of your contacts from your Messenger, Facebook, as well as e-mail. after that i created a video. 1st part displays the video you were viewing (you have a fine taste rofl), and second part shows the recording of your web cam, and it is u.
You get two different options. Why dont we take a look at the options in details:
1st alternative is to ignore this e-mail. in such a case, i will send out your very own video clip to all your contacts and then consider concerning the humiliation you will see. and definitely if you are in a romantic relationship, just how it will certainly affect?
Second option would be to compensate me $2763. Lets refer to it as a donation. Then, i most certainly will straightaway erase your video. You could keep daily life like this never happened and you would never hear back again from me.
You will make the payment through Bitcoin (if you don't know this, search 'how to buy bitcoin' in Google search engine).
Bitcoin address to send to: 13NvR9rRggLq5woAqSUkvEfYbf2kFGqKFS
[case sensitive copy and paste it]
in case you are curious about going to the authorities, well, this email cannot be traced back to me. I have taken care of my actions. i am not trying to charge a fee very much, i would like to be compensated. in order to make the payment if i do not get the bitcoin, i will definately send your video to all of your contacts including relatives, coworkers, and so forth. Having said that, if i receive the payment, i will destroy the video immediately. If you want evidence, reply Yup! & i will send out your video recording to your 17 friends. it is a nonnegotiable offer, therefore don't waste my personal time & yours by responding to this email message. - E-mail Report for BTC address 1bwxgqujrufmqnhz3ga9ixrlh4yp6eruyu at May 15, 2021 The same old moron, with the same old boilerplate script, sent to the usual honeypot email addresses.
Blah blah hacker blah blah adult sites blah blah threats blah blah bitcoin!!!!
Ignore it, laugh at it, but don't pay it!
- E-mail Report for BTC address 1k8tqsb2c1iy8qdgqhnhfgen3ue8gbu7c8 at May 15, 2021 The same old moron, with the same old boilerplate script, sent to the usual honeypot email addresses.
Blah blah hacker blah blah adult sites blah blah threats blah blah bitcoin!!!!
Ignore it, laugh at it, but don't pay it!
- E-mail Report for BTC address 1a7nmexmjfd8unyg9hopifwbrpwu5mpqqw at May 15, 2021 The same old moron, with the same old boilerplate script, sent to the usual honeypot email addresses.
Blah blah hacker blah blah adult sites blah blah threats blah blah bitcoin!!!!
Ignore it, laugh at it, but don't pay it!
- E-mail Report for BTC address 1pywifkqqepng6uqxdwkmvpzfjyazowedj at May 15, 2021 The same old moron, with the same old boilerplate script, sent to the usual honeypot email addresses.
Blah blah hacker blah blah adult sites blah blah threats blah blah bitcoin!!!!
Ignore it, laugh at it, but don't pay it!
- E-mail Report for BTC address 13wdxfybjmjf2ftp5bxdbawhqycwdtumuw at May 15, 2021 The same old moron, with the same old boilerplate script, sent to the usual honeypot email addresses.
Blah blah hacker blah blah adult sites blah blah threats blah blah bitcoin!!!!
Ignore it, laugh at it, but don't pay it!
- E-mail Report for BTC address 17B1uYtf1D6vuMgyXxEMFjzXkcv6YCWTbt at May 15, 2021 The same old moron, with the same old boilerplate script, sent to the usual honeypot email addresses.
Blah blah hacker blah blah adult sites blah blah threats blah blah bitcoin!!!!
Ignore it, laugh at it, but don't pay it!
- E-mail Report for BTC address 1GUBJLcDp19DHhRbH1up8dWwPAeWJfENCz at May 15, 2021 The same old moron, with the same old boilerplate script, sent to the usual honeypot email addresses.
Blah blah hacker blah blah adult sites blah blah threats blah blah bitcoin!!!!
Ignore it, laugh at it, but don't pay it!
- E-mail Report for BTC address 1d49zuodtjc8qafajm4zqt2rjycozqsvsw at May 15, 2021 The same old moron, with the same old boilerplate script, sent to the usual honeypot email addresses.
Blah blah hacker blah blah adult sites blah blah threats blah blah bitcoin!!!!
Ignore it, laugh at it, but don't pay it!
- E-mail Report for BTC address 1kmsjlvvrxwfgbwwun1q31stkrly9ux9jy at May 15, 2021 The same old moron, with the same old boilerplate script, sent to the usual honeypot email addresses.
Blah blah hacker blah blah adult sites blah blah threats blah blah bitcoin!!!!
Ignore it, laugh at it, but don't pay it!
- E-mail Report for BTC address 1au8pez4e1dwrdixpdzunlegcu8skyqswi at May 15, 2021 The same old moron, with the same old boilerplate script, sent to the usual honeypot email addresses.
Blah blah hacker blah blah adult sites blah blah threats blah blah bitcoin!!!!
Ignore it, laugh at it, but don't pay it!
- E-mail Report for BTC address 19WfUExFCk4sB7KuiZNBhkdF8LVeQmyyDP at May 15, 2021 The same old moron, with the same old boilerplate script, sent to the usual honeypot email addresses.
Blah blah hacker blah blah adult sites blah blah threats blah blah bitcoin!!!!
Ignore it, laugh at it, but don't pay it!